


心理學學士課程主修學科包括36個學分。此外,學生必須完成通識教育學科39個學分和公開選修課45個學分,以完成理學學士學位所需的120個學期學分。畢業時需要至少達2.0 GPA的成績。至少一半的心理學學主修或選修學科其課程編號為300或以上。


  • 美國心理學協會
  • 香港心理學會
  • 美國輔導協會
  • 國家心理治療理事會
  • 英國心理學會
  • 香港專業輔導協會
  • 國際應用心理學協會
  • 心理學教學學會


Psychology Major (13 modules, total 39 credits)


PSY190 General Psychology 基本心理學 3

An introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, including major approaches and methodologies. The course samples a broad range of topics, including biological foundations, development, learning, cognition, personality, abnormal psychology and social behavior. Meets the social science requirement.

PSY373 Research Methods 研究方法 3

This course explores the development of skills essential to critical evaluation of behavioral research. The emphasis is on understanding scientific method, research, methodologies and statistical analysis

MATH220 Elementary Statistics 統計學 3

An introduction to the simpler problems of statistical inference; descriptive statistics, probability distributions, estimation of parameters and level of significance, regression and correlation. This course may not be completed for additional credit by students who have completed MATH 226. Prerequisite: Pass (MATH 105 or above) or ((pass MATH 095 or ACT math score ≥ 19) and pass MATH 100) or ACT math score ≥ 24 or an alternative placement as approved by the math department or instructor approval.

Learning and Cognition – choose one of the following (1 module, 3 credits):


PSY323 Cognition 認知學 3

An analysis of cognitive processes, including attention, perception, concept formation, language, memory, problem solving and decision making. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

PSY445 Learning and Memory 學習與記憶 3

An introduction to the basic principles of learning and behavior in human and nonhuman animals with emphasis on applications of Pavlovian conditioning, instrumental conditioning, and basic memory processes. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

Individual Differences – choose two of the following (2 modules, 6 credits):


PSY310 Social Psychology社會心理學 3

This course presents the social aspects of human behavior, including personal perception, social cognition, attitude formation and change, attribution, prosaically behavior and interpersonal attraction. Same as SOC 310. Prerequisite: SOC 110 or PSY 190.

PSY332 Personality人格學 3

A survey of the major theories of the nature and development of personality. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

PSY360 Abnormal Psychology異常心理學 3

A survey of the major classifications of psychopathology, including conceptual approaches to the understanding of psychopathology, etiology and treatment. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

Biological Bases of Behavior – choose one of the following (1 module, 3 credits)


PSY335 Biology and Behavior 生物學與行為學 3

This course explores the relation of biological function and human behavior; the role of genetic, hormonal and neurological factors in intelligence, sex differences, biological rhythms and emotional disorders. Disturbances produced by agents such as drugs and disease are studied. Does not satisfy the general education science requirement. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

PSY338 Motivation 動機學 3

A review of the major theories that attempt to explain motivated behavior from a physiological, cognitive, social, environmental and/or learning point of view. Application of motivation theories to organizations, education, sports and daily life. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

Developmental Changes in Behavior – choose two of the following (2 module, 6 credits):


PSY212 Developmental Psychology: Birth to Adolescence 發展心理學:出生至青春期 3

This course focuses on how individuals grow and change from conception to adolescence. It addresses the biological factors that exist at birth, the psychosocial factors that affect changes and the resulting developmental stages. Prerequisite: PSY 190. Meets the social science requirement.

PSY222 Developmental Psychology: Young Adulthood to Late Adulthood 發展心理學:年輕到遲暮的成人期 3

This course takes the learner through the developmental stages of the human life cycle from the end of adolescence to the advanced stages of aging covering the physical changes, the social challenges and the psychological growth of an individual during those years. Prerequisite: PSY 190. Meets the social science requirement.

PSY321 Death and Dying面對與認識死亡 3

This course offers a multidisciplinary view of death and dying in individuals, families, and across cultures. This course will explore personal and societal atitudes, social pratices and institutions that facilitate and constrain grief and mourning.Prerequisite: PSY190

PSY397 Social Gerontology 社會老年學 3

This course focuses on personal, interpersonal and societal factors in the human aging process. Emphasis is on family, community and governmental responsibility in defining and resolving problems of the aged in a modern industrial society. Prerequisite: SOC 110 or PSY 190.

Capstone – choose one of the following(1 module,3 credits):


PSY403 Internship 實習 3

Supervised field experience in a selected setting earning 120 hours. Consent of faculty and written reports are required. Prerequisites: PSY 190, ENG 102 or ENG 201, 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University, and consent of academic advisor

PSY498 Senior Project 畢業論文 3

A capstone project intended to integrate the general education learning outcomes with the learning outcomes in the major demonstrating baccalaureate level achievement. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or ENG 201 and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU.

Electives in Psychology (any 3 modules, total 9 credits)


PSY201 Adjustment 心理調整 3

A course designed to apply psychological approaches to normative events during life’s developmental stages, with a focus on environmental factors and the psychology of stress in a changing world. Meets the social science requirement.

PSY221 Introduction to Human Services 人本服務入門 3

A survey of the professions, programs and agencies involved in the delivery of human services. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

PSY232 Group Dynamics 團體動力學 3

An analysis of group behavior in small and large groups of various types. The focus is on social interaction in the formation and operation of groups, and on the social system’s approach to understanding group behavior. Same as SOC 232. Prerequisite: PSY 190 or SOC 110. Meets the social science requirement.

PSY240 Conflict Resolution 衝突調解 3

An overview of conflict resolution and the mediation process as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism. Learning activities— conceptual and experiential in nature—are designed to promote an integration in the areas of problem solving behavior, skill development and personal awareness. Prerequisite: PSY 190. Meets the social science requirement.

PSY260 Gender Roles 性別角色 3

An analysis of the changing cultural notions and social realities regarding male/female roles and relationships. Topics may include: cross-cultural research concerning gender differences; the role of various socializing agents in shaping sexual identities; and the effects of gender differences on political and economic processes. Same as SOC 260. Prerequisite: SOC 110 or PSY 190. Meets the social science requirement.

PSY270 Human Sexuality 性科學研究 3

An introduction to the biological, psychological and social aspects of human sexuality. The course includes a study of sexuality in relation to the life cycle.

PSY302 Substance Abuse 濫用、虐待及傷害 3

The effects of psychoactive drugs are studied in this course, as well as the origins of substance abuse, characteristics of substance abusers, and consequences for the individual, family and society. Approaches to substance abuse treatment are discussed. Prerequisite: SOC 110 or PSY 190.

PSY311 Psychology of Women 女性心理學 3

This course investigates issues, theories, and research findings that primarily concern women’s psychological and sexual lives. It explores topics such as gender roles, feminism, sexism, sexuality, personality variables, cognitive abilities, education, violence against women, and mental health. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

PSY328 Reframing and Managing Stress in th 21st Century生活世紀下的壓力管理與重塑 3

An in-depth analysis of the theories, methods, and strategies for managing stress in our day-to-day functioning. Students will learn the conceptual and operational definitions of stress, be exposed to the psychophysiological and psychological responses to stress, and trained in specific evidence-based stress reduction strategies they will be able to use in working with their clients. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

PSY355 Skills and Strategies in the Helping Professions 專業輔導 – 策略及技術 3

An overview of helping techniques, theory, and practice. Learning activities—conceptual and experiential in nature—are designed to promote growth in the areas of skill, development, and personal awareness. May not be taken by learners who have completed PSY 354. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

PSY383 Human Behavior in the Social Environment 社會環境中的人類行為 3

An analysis of individual, group and cultural influences on human behavior. The emphasis is on contrasting levels of analysis and application to a variety of environmental settings. Note: Some background in both psychology and sociology is strongly recommended. Same as SOC 383. Prerequisite: SOC 110 or PSY 190.

PSY409 Psychology of Disaster 災難心理學 3

Focuses on the psychological and physiological human response to disasters. Using clinical research and case histories, this course studies normal and abnormal psychological reactions, the recovery process and principles of mental healthcare for victims of mass disasters. Differences between natural and man-made disasters are examined and factors that either worsen or mitigate the traumatizing after-effects are reviewed. Psychological aspects of Weapons of Mass Destruction of Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee before it is offered, and it must address one or more Major Outcomes within the discipline.

PSY440 Industrial Psychology 工業心理學 3

A study of the relationship between the individual worker and the work environment. Emphasis is on the exploration and application of the most influential theories. Topics include organizational dynamics, work motivation, job satisfaction, personnel selection and training, and work group influences. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

PSY444 Assessment 評估 3

An introduction to the assumptions and techniques of psychological assessment. Prerequisites: PSY 190 and MATH 220.

PSY454 Issue and Ethics in the Helping Professions 專業輔導–問題及規範 3

An analysis of issues and ethical problems involved in the helping professions and programs. Prerequisite: PSY 190.

General Education Requirements (12 modules, 36 credits)


/ Arts and Humanities 藝術與人文 6
/ Communication Studies 溝通 9
/ Computer Skills 電腦 3
/ Mathematics 數學 3
/ Natural Sciences 自然科學 6
/ Social Sciences 社會科學 6
/ Cultures 文化 3

Open Electives (Any 15 modules, Total 45 credits)


CJ224 Introduction to Criminal Justice刑事司法入門 3

History of the development of the criminal justice system in America. The everyday practices in this subsystem and the articulation amongst policing, judicial and correctional institutions.

Registration Number: 261572

The study of psychology offers the opportunity to learn about the origins and development of human behavior and mental processes and the factors that influence change. Psychology provides a valuable foundation of knowledge important in a wide variety of fields, including human services, business, law, education, communications and health. The program in psychology may also lead to graduate preparation for professional psychology.

The Psychology major consists of 36 semester credits. In addition, learners must complete the general education requirements (39 credits) and additional elective (45 credits) to complete the 120 semester credits required for the Bachelor of Science degree. A minimum 2.0 GPA in the major is required for graduation. At least half of the credit toward a major or minor in psychology must be earned in courses numbered 300 or above.


Our students are eligible to apply for membership in

  • American Psychological Association
  • The Hong Kong Psychological Society Limited
  • American Counselling Association
  • National Council of Psychotherapists
  • British Psychological Society
  • Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association
  • International Association of Applied Psychology
  • Society for the Teaching of Psychology
PSY190 General Psychology 基本心理學 3

PSY190 General Psychology Credits:3

An introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, including major approaches and methodologies. The course samples a broad range of topics, including biological foundations, development, learning, cognition, personality, abnormal psychology and social behavior. Meets the social science requirement.

PSY190 General Psychology Credits:3

An introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, including major approaches and methodologies. The course samples a broad range of topics, including biological foundations, development, learning, cognition, personality, abnormal psychology and social behavior. Meets the social science requirement.